An Early Sunday Best Update, Because I Just Couldn’t Wait: Apr. 1, 2016
It’s been a month since my last Sunday Best post, and all I can say is that a lot has changed! Some good, some bad, but overall? Really great. Anyways, here’s a small collection of happenings and things of note from the last little while I’d like to share!
Man lets mom set up Tinder date.
A light, unoffending piece from GQ writer Clay Skipper, on what happened when he let his mother swipe right for him. A choice excerpt below.
I wondered if nowadays, with an endless stream of people to be right-swiped into your life, you would notice the guy on the yearbook staff who drives you to a meeting on a snowy day—or would you be in the passenger seat, swiping through pictures of thirsty dudes you don’t even know? I wondered who you might miss seeing if you were always looking.
Neither an earth-shattering piece of journalism nor a puff piece, but worth a read to get the wheels turning in your head. Also, he ended up on the “Tinder Nightmares” Twitter page for asking about snacks? That’s totally something I would do, but okay. Then again, maybe that’s why I’m not on Tinder anymore.
Full story at GQ.
April is going to be lit.

I get to cross Weekend 2 of Coachella off my bucket list in exactly 3 weeks! Plus, I just snagged tickets to the now-sold-out Soundwave the weekend immediately following that—whether or not this was a good decision remains to be seen. However, I’ve been wanting to see Dillon Francis again ever since Northern Lights Music Festival last year when he absolutely killed it, and Marshmello will also be making his Alberta debut! If my beloved swan float survives Coachella (in addition to myself), you can be sure that it’ll make an appearance.
I’ve already started packing for Coachella as of yesterday (I couldn’t help myself) and I’m waiting on a few more fun things to arrive in the mail—including a pair of One Teaspoon’s Brave Bonitas, Extra Joss energy drink packets, and the Coachella Welcome Box itself! Can’t wait to try out that VR.
With 21 degree weather and a BBQ coming up this weekend to kick off the month, I don’t see how April could get any more amazing. Bring it!
Google’s April Fools’ Day Prank.
Google’s fun yet shortsighted “Mic Drop” feature inadvertently screwed up a whole lot of people’s days. From work-related emails to messages of a sensitive nature, the button—which sends a GIF of a minion and mutes all future replies to the email—ended up being disabled only after a few short hours. You can view people positively roasting Google in the Gmail Help Forums by simply querying “mic drop,” if you so wish.
Check out some of the best/worst mishaps on The Guardian.
Batfleck: 6.5/10.
Not my favourite Batman, but not the worst Batman either. I do respect Ben Affleck as a good actor in general, so that might have a little something to do with it.
Mild spoilers below.
The fight scenes in Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice were relatively lacklustre, although they improved somewhat in the second half. The plot was a little flat (and not even close to being as enthralling as the Dark Knight trilogy), and the characters were…meh. I didn’t feel like I could really get behind any of the characters, whether they were the superheroes or the bad guys (Gal Gadot though—whew. Plus, she saved Han’s life! If you got that somewhat obscure reference, I like you). Often, for me, a telling sign of a great movie is one where you both hate and love the villain for being so well-written and well-acted. I was unable to feel any real persuasion either way (let alone both). Jesse Eisenberg receives an A for effort, for doing what he could with whatever the heck that version of Lex Luthor was—but his jittery, crackpot cadence still makes me cringe to the third degree.
When you cast a psychotic villain, I like them to have a good reason to be psychotic (or, if they have no reason, then the ability to believably portray a sociopath). Perhaps he was meant to be as unlikeable as he was, but I really do prefer someone the audience can love to hate, as opposed to just, you know, hate.
That said, I think a lot of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice‘s downfalls were due in no small part to studio bigwigs. A Director’s Cut has already been announced, rather swiftly, meaning Zack Snyder probably wasn’t thrilled by the version they finalized for theatrical release.
Tip: I wouldn’t recommend actually paying full price to see the movie in theatres, so I’ll tip you off on what I did. Not sure if it’s national or international, but it definitely works over here in Calgary. Download the new movie ticketing app called Atom (available on both iOS and Android), and you’ll get a free ticket to your first movie. It only works for Landmark Cinemas (2 locations in Calgary—Country Hills and Shawnessy) but as I also discovered, they’ve completely decked out their theatres with amazing new seats! There’s only about 5 rows in the entire theatre, and they’re these big, comfy love seats with a movable armrest in the middle—not to mention a footrest. Plus, there’s tons of room for people to walk in front of you if they need to leave during the movie, and people in the rows below don’t disturb your view whatsoever. Well worth the drive, and I may actually consider visiting them more often just because the pricing is the same as a regular seat at other theatres.
Ah, the beauty of capitalism. I assume this is the new strategy they’re taking to compete with bigger, more centrally-located theatres such as Scotiabank Theatre Chinook. The theatre industry was getting pretty stale, so it’s nice to see some change. As a perpetual sloth, comfortable seating is something that actually incentivizes me to go the longer distance. Plus, it’s a nice little treat because it reminds me of when it was a bit of a luxury to go watch a movie in a theatre—something that’s been lost with widely available home movie libraries (such as Netflix) at our beck and call these days.
Tunes of the Week: Amason – Älgen, ODESZA – IPlayYouListen, and Lana Del Rey – Off to the Races (Instant Party! Remix)
From least turnt (an indie alternative tune I heard while doing bone marrow luge shots in a Gastown bar last week), to a semi-chill and always-good ODESZA classic, to most turnt (banger remix of one of my favourite artists). Enjoy.