How is it almost the end of January already?! Time moves at a terrifyingly brisk pace the older you get. On the bright side, things I’m looking forward to seem to come sooner, but now I have so much less time to plan. For example, I think I’m going to Lake Tahoe this weekend…which is tomorrow. I haven’t packed yet, don’t know where I’m staying, or when I’m even leaving. Send help.
Here are this week’s highlights:
Everyone Is Getting Hilariously Rich and You’re Not.
Fascinating New York Times article on the world of cryptocurrency in major cities, including San Francisco—the epicenter of all things weird. Featured in said article is “cryptocurrency rapper” CoinDaddy, who quit his real estate development gig to fill this “niche market” (you don’t say), churning out tracks such as “Crypto Life” and “West Coast Crypto” on YouTube. His lyrical genius rivals Eminem. Kidding. His songs sound exactly what you think a rapper called CoinDaddy would put out—featuring lines about being a player, interspersed with blockchain references and namedropping Nakamoto, Ver, Shrem, and Lee.
Thanks to the dangerous game that is YouTube’s “Related Videos,” I also stumbled upon crypto parodies of rap songs such as “(Bitcoin) All The Way Up,” “Straight Outta Silk Road” (by BWA, to boot—that’s Bitcoin With Attitude, if you couldn’t guess), and my personal favorite: “Hodl Gang.”
We may have left Gucci Gang in 2017, but now we have Hodl Gang. Hodlgang, hodlgang, hodlgang. Between this and people eating tide pods, 2018 is off to a great start. I’m scared.
Required viewing:
Bonus video for your viewing pleasure:
DTL Parties.
Huh. Definitely thought DTL stood for “Down to Learn.” Anyways, Drink Talk Learn (or DTL for short) is a party idea/drinking game currently going viral. The (simple) rules are as follows: Each guest must prepare a PowerPoint presentation about something they are passionate about, and present it to the rest of the party. The presentation must be under three minutes. If you go over the time limit, you have to chug your drink and resume your lecture.
This was the event description, by the way. I’d highly recommend it; I ended up learning a lot about Seattle public transit, the history of Windows startup sounds, and fancy rats. pic.twitter.com/W0pkrkpxJt
— Michal (@Miexriir) January 14, 2018
Excerpts from the article on Insider:
“…the first DTL was created and hosted in November 2012 by four Waterloo engineering students: Megan, Derek, Mike, and Munt.”
Of course this was started by a group of nerds at Waterloo (said in the most affectionate way possible). Also, what’s with that last guy’s name?
“Business casual is the dress code for the night!”
This would actually be hilarious. Memories of business school presentations, when everyone would be milling around on Fridays in their “nobody actually knows how to dress professionally because none of us have a real job yet” business attire, haunt me.
“I ended up learning a lot about Seattle public transit, the history of Windows startup sounds, and fancy rats.”
Honestly, I think this would be a fantastic idea for a party. I have an inordinate amount of knowledge about useless things that will probably never benefit me in real life, but would work great for something like this.
What would you present on?
Dyson vacuum cleaners are lit.
Because being an adult is pathetic super exciting.
We just spent our life savings on an overpriced bought a top-of-the-line Dyson V8 Absolute. We found so much dust in our place after the first test run; I don’t know how we lived without this before. Actually, I do—in filth. It actually made an incredibly noticeable difference. Highly recommended. This is my 27-going-on-50 post for the week.
Anyways, I’ll try and get back to my regular “Sunday Best” posts next week. Because of Tahoe this weekend, I didn’t think I’d get a chance to update so I did a “Thursday Best” instead this week. Feel free to hit me up with recommendations for South Lake Tahoe, by the way—as I mentioned, I don’t even know what I’m doing yet!
Photo credit: Bitcoin.com