I have to admit that it’s been extremely rare for me to have some girls-only time lately. My core group of girls split up last year—geographically—and I’ve sorely missed the kind of no-holds-barred conversation and laughter that can only be had with your closest girlfriends. I’m so glad one of them ended up here (we’re going out this weekend!) and that I also met some awesome new ones I danced the night away with last Friday!
It can take me a little while to open up sometimes, but everyone was extremely welcoming right off the bat. I’m so grateful for chill people you can meet and just get along with right away, whatever it is you’re doing—from White Spot to turning up. Can’t wait for our next adventure at Borgore in a few weeks!
P.S. The cutie in the main photo above is Baby, one of the girls’ adorable poms I’m officially allowed to borrow any day, any time! If you know me, you know this is one of the best things that could ever happen to me haha. Thanks Amy! ♥ Can’t wait to check out her new salon opening soon as well—for more info, check out Romantique Nails!
Presence, not presents.
I’ve been trying—to no avail—to find the Lululemon Wunder Under tech mesh leggings I’ve lusted after for two years. Unfortunately, they sold out and haven’t been restocked, but my boyfriend picked up a similar pair for me! So happy I have a pair of new leggings to sport at YHot classes before my intro pass runs out this Friday.
Although I’ve never been a big “expensive gifts” person, I really appreciate presents that are thoughtful and speak to my own personal love languages—acts of service and quality time. He also got a lovely Moleskine Passions Collection wine journal that we can fill in together and keep track of all the wines we’ve tried together! Without (hopefully) sounding like an alcoholic, wine has been a big part of our relationship. We sipped on a local cabernet sauvignon over the first dinner we ever made together; discovered our love for cabernet franc while enjoying our first weekend escapade of wine tasting in Napa Valley; and we’ve had many a night, whether at a restaurant or just barbecuing at home, talking about anything and everything over bottles of cheap to top shelf labels.
I’m really looking forward to filling the pages of this journal with him, so we have a guide to all our favourites that also doubles as a piece of our relationship to look back on! Thanks babe ♥
Archie Comics were an essential part of my childhood. I actually have them to thank for my aptitude in English, because I know it was a major influence in why I started reading so early, and so frequently, as a kid. I still remember learning the words “brunette” and “lollygagging” around age 7; I would stop and pull out a dictionary (crazy to think there was a point where we couldn’t just “Google” a word) before continuing on. This is a habit I still have—if I don’t know a word, I have to look it up and add it to my vocabulary.
Anyways, I found out that CW released a TV show based on the comics just last week. This is where I think I’m supposed to say I love it out of nostalgia, but I watched the first episode and it was…not good. Think a millennial-ified version of Twin Peaks, featuring gratuitous girl-on-girl make-out sessions, Miss Grundy as a total babe (though questionable in her interpretation of the age of consent) and, well, Archie is kind of a f***boy. The wholesome Archie comics of our youth, it is not.
That said, it’ll fill the void left by my usual guilty pleasure UnREAL for now…
That’s all for now!
I’m keeping it short for this one, as a lot has happened this past week…and seems to only be getting busier and busier. Next up I’ll be writing up a post on my mom’s amazing beef brisket recipe—one of my childhood staples!—so be sure to keep an eye out for that later this week!