Every Sunday, I want to try and do a quick summary of the biggest happenings of the week. It’ll be a mixed bag: perhaps good events that occurred, personal anecdotes, breaking world news, or just interesting tidbits of note I came across.
Sundays are my favourite day, and not just because there’s football. It’s the day I wrap up the past week and recollect myself for the week ahead. It’s my laziest day, yet the one that also holds the most potential for setting the tone going forward. Usually I’m busy all through the week, so on Sundays I finally get a chance to tidy up, do laundry, and all that stuff I think I’m supposed to dislike, but really makes me feel productive and refreshed. I feel like everyone’s got their own Sunday ritual as well, whether faith-based or not, and it’s one of the only days we’re not go-go-go. So, that makes it one of the best days to set some time aside for ourselves.
Anyways, that’s the explanation for what this weekly post will be about. I’m hopeful I can keep up with the idea, because I think it’s important to reflect as often as we can in our lives—otherwise, we might miss all the good.
(And, even revisiting the bad serves some sort of purpose from time to time.)
Sunday Best: Jan. 17, 2016
My boyfriend came home!
He’s been away for the past three weeks visiting Japan with friends. I’m most excited to have snuggles and amazing home-cooked Vietnamese food (like bánh cuốn!) again. Today is our first Sunbae Funday in awhile, and all we had planned was a Costco trip, meal prep, and playoff football—the perfect day. He’s already in bed as a result of the jet lag, so I’m writing this by myself in the kitchen while also making food for his lunch tomorrow.
I’m still really excited about Coachella.
It takes all my strength to not start packing for this trip that’s still over three months away every day.
David Bowie passed away.
Technically, he passed the week before the one I’m summarizing…but if he doesn’t deserve a notable exception, then who does? I, for one, had “Rebel Rebel” stuck in my head all week. May we all celebrate his amazing life, and what it meant to each of us, in our own way.
Netflix announces 2016 premiere dates.
The shows I’m personally looking forward to returning are: The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Season 2) on April 15th, and Orange is the New Black (Season 4) on June 17th. As for new shows, I’ve heard great things about The Get Down, helmed by Baz Luhrmann of ‘Moulin Rouge’ and ‘Romeo + Juliet’ fame. The series premieres on August 12th.
Some more news from the Netflix sphere: Jessica Jones has been renewed for a second season. This is probably the best show I’ve seen in a long time, so I’m definitely looking forward to it.
This week has been a little crazy, especially towards the end of it, so I’m going to keep this first edition of the Sunday Best short. See you next week!