I tried to start another blog.
I wanted something a little more hip, more beauty and fashion-focused, more in line with what’s all the rage these days (influencers and all that). But what I found was that I really didn’t have anything to write about when I limited myself, and it just didn’t feel right. There are many beauty and/or fashion blogs I admire, but when it came to my own, I felt completely uninspired writing and blogging in that particular style. I’ve never been one for taking selfies, posing for contrived fashion shots, and all that—it feels unnatural to me (but props to those who can do it! I just feel like I dropped something on the ground and I’m looking for it haha), and like I don’t really get to enjoy the moment/wherever I am/what I’m doing. Which I think is my main goal. So I’ve realized: that’s just not my thing.
I still like sharing beauty tips, fashion picks, and other fun stuff, but I’m just never going to be The Blonde Salad or Song of Style. And that’s okay! It can be easy to caught up in the whole “posting for likes” kind of mindset, especially in this day and age where social media = validation. But sometimes this sort of thing should be more personal; about how it really fulfills you. I want to be able to talk about everything from real relationship topics, to sports, to mental health, and anything/everything else in between, without fear of losing followers because I’m straying too far from a “brand.”
A long time ago, I had trouble with picking a name for a blog because I felt like there were no titles I could go with that encompassed everything I wanted to write about, and might want to cover in the future. So I’m returning to my roots, and staying true to my eventual name choice for this blog, which I chose because it didn’t put me in a box.
In the spirit of the season, I’ll be starting with a “Winter Favorites” post (which also doubles as a nice gift guide). I do hope to also try my hand at some long-form non-fiction as well in the future, however. I’ve written a few short stories (mainly based on my travel experiences) here and there, but I’d like to really sit down and work on something long-term, with the hopes of it getting published somewhere. No idea how to do that yet, but I think the practice will help me grow nevertheless!
Another challenge is to also start posting some more personal pictures/pictures of myself on here. I found taking photos for the other blog overwhelming—caring so much about the right outfits, locations, angles, lighting, and filters—when I like keeping it simple and staying in the moment. So just a few of these kinds of shots here and there seems like a good compromise!
Stay tuned for my “Winter Picks” post coming soon!✌️